NCPPCH featured in the 75th Anniversary issue of the Organization's Pediatric e-Journal!

Excited to share that we were featured in the 75th Anniversary issue of the Organization’s Pediatric e-Journal! This article follows an earlier one in Issue #74 of the Pediatric e-Journal. Both articles argue for the critical value of respite care for children with medical complexity and their family members and offer several examples of the need for respite in pediatric palliative care and of responses to that need in particular cases and in a nationwide collaborative coalition.

Authors Jonathan Cottor, MBA, MPH, and Kasey Kaler conclude, “A community-based children’s respite home is an extension of a family’s own home and a temporary haven,” and invite everyone to get involved with the National Center for Pediatric Palliative Care Homes (NCPPCH), learn more about existing or emerging programs or where talks of additional homes are happening, and join our mission to scale, strengthen, and sustain community-based children’s respite, palliative, and hospice home programs.

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